Whispers of Dust

The wind caught you and has dropped you at
an enchanting place of sparkles and dust
of a lil Wee One named Wee One Whisper.

Tis I Wee One Whisper.
I sprinkle you with spirit,
And tickle you with luck.
May you be spirited and have fun!
I hope you shout it out too!


~*Wee One Whisper Here*~

A warm glow fills there air
Dust is sprinkled with care
Spirit and magic are here
Whispers are heard here and there
More tickles of spirit fill the room
And then sprinkle, pop and zoom!
Lastly you hear: Shout it out
That's what its all about

Wee One Whisper here,
bringing you magic and cheer.
Shout it out and have spirit too.
That's the Legends thing to do!!
Sprinkles and tickles are what i have here,
To make sure your spirit is always near!

Sprinkles of dust here and there
A warm glow feels the air
In one blink, spirit is near
Magic dust may help your dreams come true
And don't forget to Shout it Out too!!!


Sprinkles of spirit,
Tickles of Love.

Giggles of fun,
Whispers from above.


A Wee One is here, flies over you bed,
brings you cheer, and happiness to your head.
She wanders near by, just to say hi,
granting you spirit for the rest of your life.


A faint breeze is near,
Wee One Whisper is here.

Shouting it Out!

Here's a spirit stick for you,
Spirit is what its all about.


I'm Wee One Whisper,
That's all from me!!!

Wee One Whisper dusts your guestbook with spirit and cheer.
She tickles your nose and now you are postive she is near.
Show your SpRiT & ShOuT iT oUt 5 times a day!!!

From: Wee One Whisper

And Greetings to you
Magic spells
Spooky Spirits
Shout it Out and Happy Haloween too!

Sprinkles and Spirit!
~DSugar Plum Faerie~

Hello and good day.
Whisperings of spirit
are on their way!

May your new year be wonderful and happy
And have a very sparkling day,
Filled with joy, excitement and glee!
